Contador nichichanilimonada

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

Good People Doing Cool Things…

Just read an email from one of the original DFG Kickstarter backers, James.

James helped me out quite a bit in my KS giving feedback, making videos and just chatting about the Kickstarter, the industry and life in general. James is good people and I am more than happy to help any way I can.

James started up his own company and miniatures line. Reclusive Phoenix, is running a kickstarter (Slumbering Oblivion: Cthulhuinspired game miniatures

The minis look great! If you like Cthulhu or creature minis to use in other games, please go give it a look, if you are short on funds now or it's not your cup of tea, you can still help by spreading the news.

I don't know about you, but I am really loving that Murguba :P

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